
Foreign Languages and the Environment: Seed Projects for Sustainable Humanities


Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 4:00pm to Friday, March 2, 2018 - 5:00pm

Minneapolis, MN

Session Description:

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How are programs of language, literatures and cultures revitalizing through connection with environmental humanities initiatives and alliances with sustainability studies? This symposium brings together scholar/teachers whose work in and beyond the classroom has been catalyzed by their commitment to curricular innovation, interdisciplinary projects, and public engagement with climate change issues. The symposium’s purpose is to facilitate dialogue about educational redesign in the humanities as a collaborative intellectual project that crosses fields ranging from language, literature, national/transnational, and cultural studies to second language acquisition and STEM. This shift impacts undergraduate and graduate education, and situates language programs at the forefront of institutional change. Presentations and roundtable discussions will explore theoretical frameworks, innovative curricular models (from design thinking projects to learning abroad), and implementation strategies for the enhanced teaching of languages and cultures in our multilingual world as a means for exploring cultural narratives, values, and perspectives related to the environment.

Keynote Speaker
Katherine Arens (University of Texas-Austin)

Plenary Speakers
Elena Past (Wayne State University)
Maggie Broner (St. Olaf College)

Conference sponsors: Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA); Department of German, Scandinavian & Dutch; Environmental Humanities Initiative

Conference co-sponsors: Institute for Advanced Study; Institute for Global Studies; Institute on the Environment; Center for German and European Studies; CLA Language Center; Department of Asian Languages and Literatures; Department of English; Department of French & Italian; Department of Spanish & Portuguese